Thursday 28 April 2011

Why outbound?

 Why outbound?

In this current market we find only fake process, and many innocent people give upfront and get loss and loose their blood money, then all the burden such as salary, rent, OH exp, everything the centre will bear, though all the people know that the process which has initial money we can say 99% the process is FAKE, if the person is genuine let them get from the billing what ever his expectation more than that, instead cheating to the people what is it right??
You can enquire in the local market, who are all running the non voice process you will get main single reply they have burnt their hands, why this is happening, because till when we are seems to be as fools to the frauds, they will cheat to the innocent people, and the other way of cheating is that accuracy, they will say you did not achieve the accuracy so the payment will not release in these cases WHAT NEXT?
That will be BIG????

•       Only 1 time investment for Diallers (its your asset)
•       You can get every week billing
•       You will struggle hard for only 1 week and later you will earn very good money
•       No accuracy  dramas
•       No false commitment
•       You will be directly with the client
•       You will work and you will get your money
•       You can generate very good revenue
•       Chances are there to turn as an inbound
•       Extra commissions, for over achievements

For any other assistance please feel free to mail us, and call us any time , we are there to serve you better today rather than yesterday

knw abt call centre

Reduce Your Call Center Attrition Rate Now! Essential Tips to Follow

Attrition attributes to the reduction of an organization or business establishment in size or number. Call centerindustry is considered to be a sector where a huge percentage of nation’s youth is employed in various segments. This industry is growing at a rapid pace but one important aspect is obstructing its growth. Well, we are talking about the ‘Attrition Rate.’
Attrition rate has started making an imbalance in the entire process ofcustomer support services industry. A research shows that the attrition rate of contact centers has come up to (24-25)%. Especially, it is arising from the voice-process as compared to the non-voice schedules. Rigorous shifts, work monotony, workload and physical strain, etc. are some of the basic elements that propel this concept. Therefore, it is high time to determine the factors that are leading this negative element to switch the progress level of call center services.
Skills Development plays a vital role in motivating the work staff. There are many call centers that use multi-skilling as a method to be more efficient. Acting as the development tool, this method allows upgrading the personal skills of an employee that can result to deliver better service while handling any customer. Regular training, interactive sessions, financial rewards are some of the methods through which an employee will stick to the organization’s interest.
An effective communication process can minimize the gap amongst the staff members and management. There is a need for every staff to understand the business goals. Your employees should think that they are always included in the company matters and given equal opportunity to share their feelings. The work appreciation also plays vital role in considering the interest of the employees. Therefore, an effective management style needs to be developed and employed should feel valued about the call center services they render.
Sometimes it is observed that some call centers does not maintain Work-Life Balance. If a family-friendly legislation is followed, a clear picture is developed about the work style of the staff. Flexibility in working schedules, good values and work-play culture would motivate the employees to create a positive vibe for their organization.
Attrition is already considered to be a great threat to customer service industry. The involvement of Human Resource team can be a great assistance to avoid this step. Call Centers India is an organization, where attrition hardly occurs. The customer center services should always work on the interests of the customer support service employees and motivate them round the clock.

Data breach call center getting high volume

The demand is high for answers at the call center set up for people whose personal data was left unprotected on a Texas Comptroller’s Office public server. Some people have reported waiting for as long as an hour before speaking to someone.
A message at the top of a dedicated website states: “We are currently receiving high call volumes. The maximum number of calls we can receive per day is 19,000. Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day at this time. If you have trouble getting through, please try your call again at a later time. Thank you for your patience.”
R.J. DeSilva, a spokesman for Comptroller Susan Combs, said people can get many of their questions answered on the website. They expected the high demand, which is why the call center will be available 24-hours.
Yesterday, Combs announced that the personal and confidential records of 3.5 million Texans had been parked on a publicly accessible server for about a year. The information comes from unemployment claimants and members of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and the Employees Retirement System of Texas.
Everyone whose information was made vulnerable will be notified by letter. The mailing comes at a cost of $1.2 million DeSilva said. He didn’t immediately have the cost of the call center, which is being run by AT&T.
Source: Statesman

India’s outsourcing industry suffers 55% attrition

The attrition rate in India’s business process outsourcing sector jumped to 55 percent from a year earlier, dealing a potentially fatal blow to the flagship industry, a study said on Thursday.
The study released by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) blamed the high turnover rate on bad working hours and a perceived lack of long-term career growth.
Between December 2010 and April 2011, the attrition rate in the BPO industry increased to 55 percent from 40 percent during the same period a year earlier, Assocham said.
“Although the BPO sector has been popular since the beginning, as it has opened up plenty of job opportunities, the high attrition rate is plaguing the sector now,” Assocham secretary general D.S. Rawat.
The sector is also facing serious challenges such as a shortage of skilled workers, the study said.
US and other foreign firms, drawn by India’s English-speaking workforce and lower costs than in the West, have farmed out a wide range of jobs from answering bank client calls to processing insurance claims and equity analysis.
Worst hit by the turnover problems are the pharmaceutical and financial services industries, which have an attrition rate of 60 percent, the study said.
“The growing trend of job-switching in the industry might prove fatal for the survival and growth of India’s BPO sector,” Rawat said.
The job retention crunch comes as India’s BPO industry faces stiff competition from countries such as Mexico, Philippines, Malaysia, China, Canada and Ireland, the study noted.
The Indian outsourcing sector directly employs 2.54 million workers and accounts for 6.4 percent of the country’s gross domestic product.
India recently lost its crown to the Philippines as the call centre capital of the world. But India continues to lead the overall global outsourcing market, increasing its share to 55 percent in 2010, up from 51 percent the previous year.

Let’s Discuss – Call Center is Best Platform for Woman to Develop Professional Skills

call center is best platform for women to develop professional skillsThe growth of a nation entirely depends upon its population. Therefore, it is the responsibility of an individual to contribute their skills in self-development that will lead to a nation’s growth. Today, a large section of woman is seen working in call centers and IT Sectors. It is said that the professional environment and the growth aspect are the two vital factors that attract a great percentage of women employees towards it.
In the developed nations, it is evident that there is no job discrimination for any age groups. But in the developing and under-developing nations, the involvement of women community is slowly rising and projected to reach an excellent level in the coming years. At present, most of the business giants are outsourcing the customer support services from the Asian countries. It is so because, the people over these countries are excellent speakers who can easily adapt to any international accent in no time. Especially, the women have a better understanding of this skill and therefore the BPOs of these regions are seen to source a great number of women employees.
If you make a thorough research upon BPO industry, you will find that the highest positions of the board are being occupied by women and really helping the organizations to make a rapport, exceptionally well. Women find this professional environment with a freedom to express their skills efficiently. It is because, the workforce are well-trained from an intermediate level, till she reaches a level to teach the same to the sub-ordinates. This factor inspires them to work better and enhance their skills in a global aspect. The enhancement of performance level is rewarded with good financial growth.
The call center industry engages a wide section of women from age level of 18 years to any age limit as per the company policy. With this option a student can easily be a part of an income source for a middle class family. Moreover, the unemployment ration in the developing countries has experienced a great hike with the services offered by BPO industry to the women community. It is a major platform to earn reputation and therefore your skills need to be exhibited through a professional environment that is easily possible through call centers.

Why one should opt for offshore call center services?

The present market research reveals that the offshore outsourcing companies are snatching the jobs from the developed nations. A popular trend in the developing nations, call center outsourcing is considered to be a great blow to the foreign economy.
Call center outsourcing is a fantastic solution to business establishments of all sizes to save money. In addition, it also assists in relieving the overload of your in-house workforce by utilizing the array of inbound and outbound services. Outsourcing these companies promotes in account management expertise, superior technology, market testing capabilities, better market coverage, instant market analysis and many more.
Let us discuss some of the primary benefits of offshore call center:
A) If your organization is experiencing enormous growth in client database, you may find a challenge in offering 100% client response. In this aspect,offshore call centers will assist you to approach the clients in a professional manner. This will help you to understand the market dynamics and allow you to find the best option to make them satisfied.
B) The operational costs and the capital required to establish a giant infrastructure and human resource can be easily reduced. Moreover, the up-gradation of IT tool or hiring a brand new technical division is not feasible for all. Outsourcing the BPO service providers can be a appropriate tool in your business strategy.
C) If your in house operations are not able to meet the bulk demands of the clients, you are likely to miss the calls or queries and can be a great obstacle in retaining the clients. In order to prevent this, at the earliest hour, Call Center Outsourcing Services are considered to be the best to offer technical and non technical support to your valuable patrons. Personalized plans can be developed with the expert’s assistance and subsequently can be applied in the new processes, as directed by the call centers.
D) Outsourcing is an area where the business development for SMEs is always given full support. Enterprises lacking in funds, have the option to outsource call center companies and effectively render their services to the clients. The HR processes and internal operations are easily accessible and companies can save their capital in the investment of future technology.
E) The flexibility in business shifts is one of the factor that promotes outsourcing. Hiring people for 24 hours call center operations round the year along with multilingual support is only possible with this option.
Outsourced call center has the power to make you devote your time and effort on your core competencies and cost. Better save today and try to make the future secure in the safe hands.

Need Business Consulting and BPO Services? Hire Us Vcare Corporation

How to be a Good and Ideal Customer Care Executive?

As customer service representatives are the key strength for any successful organization, and keep you connect with your potential customers. So customer care executives should have excellent verbal and interpersonal skills, including being receptive to others viewshow to become good call center customer care representative and opinions.
In the recent time, it can be difficult to provide excellent customer service for each of the calls, especially when they have to deal with angry customers who might had to wait on hold for an hour or more before they even reach you. Often, the customer care executives will only have to answer the phone to listen to an immediate escalation of a customer angry voice.
Its very tempting to put on the defensive, it’s much better to let the customer continues to say what I mean. Angry customers who feel as if they were really being listened cooled off faster than customers who think that the customer care representative is not really concerned about their needs.
Customers who are angry are going to blame anyone for the problem they have, do not take it personally, instead, ensure them that their struggle has been ended now and issues will be resolved at the earliest. It is the responsibility of customer care representatives to make their customers happy and satisfied before hang up the phone.
It is important to realize that the customer believes she is talking to the particular company. they are unaware or not interested that they are talking with a very good lady named “Gelsey” or some one else who has her own family problems. All they know is that they have a problem and you caused it, that’s why want to know what to do about it from your end. And this is you responsibilities to resolve all their issues till hang up the phone.
All customers don’t have same type of attitude, many customers are very nice and just have a question about your service.
The key, however to provide best customer service, in spite of the situation is completely focused on the customer who is talking. Customer Service Representative is the key person who represent the image of any organization, and help the company to make a faith in the eyes of your business assets i.e Customers. If a customer has angered hard before, you should be able to let go of the anger before speaking to the next customer or notice through the call.

Information of Offshore Call Centers at Different Places of World

Offshore call centers are quite common in today’s outsourced business environment. Centers stationed in India, the Philippines, Central America and Eastern Europe, have grown in numbers and popularity. Offshore call centers are a polarizing issue. While most end users do not enjoy the experience, some find the use of these centers to be cost effective.
The United States is home to many quality call centers. To properly run a call center is a major undertaking. There is a lot of training and cost involved in the process of operating a call center properly. As a result of the high cost of running a labor intensive business, United States call centers need to charge their rates accordingly. While these rates may be considered high, using a call center usually more than pays for itself. Yet, in an effort to combat the high cost of running a call center in a way that most would find acceptable, many opt to set up or utilize an offshore call center.
Indian Call Centers
When most people think of an offshore call center, they are referring to India based operations. India is the home to thousands of call center operations. Many large corporations, credit card companies and outbound contact centers are located in India. While Mumbai is considered to be the call center capital of the universe, Indian call centers can be found in almost any province or region of India. While an educated labor pool in India is available, there are many cultural differences that make using an India based call center a challenge.
Philippine Call Centers
In the Philippines, the Call Center industry is booming. There are over 800 call centers in operation in the country. The industry has been labeled as the “Sunshine Industry” by the Philippine government. This is due to the explosion of the industry over the last 10 years. Call center services is the fastest growing industry in the Philippine economy.
Central American Call Centers
Many companies Outsource to a Central or American call center. While most of these centers are in Costa Rica, there are also centers located in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, Argentina, and Mexico. These Latin American centers have experienced great growth in recent years. Companies have been able to thrive in this environment due to the internet, reduction in telephony costs, and the need for educated, bilingual operators. While these call centers have their limitations, they can be a solution for companies needing Spanish, or Bilingual agents. Offshore Call centers located in Central America generally cost a third less than their US counterparts.
Eastern European Call Centers
Offshore Outsourcing to Eastern European call center centers has been a recent phenomenon. Contact centers are popping up in Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic. In these countries there is a large pool of multilingual employees. These centers have seen an emergence. Sophisticated internet applications have opened the doors for these companies to enter the worldwide call center business. These call centers may be a good fit for companies whose applications European languages such as Italian French, or German. These centers handle most European and Slavic languages. Outsourced Call centers in Eastern Europe are a very popular choice for UK businesses but are growing in popularity in the United States as well. These centers are less expensive than United States call centers by about forty percent.
While there are many offshore call center options, there are drawbacks to using these operations. What a company saves in dollars and cents is often negated by lost business, frustration and increased in house customer service that comes from dealing with these call centers. United States based call centers still are the best bet, and ultimately the most cost effective services available.

Back office customer support: Fleshing out and beefing up

back office support services call centers indiaCall Centers India is a CISCO based call center service provider. With an experience of about a decade, we have been serving all with our profound services and are able to manage any call volume with an ease. We offer BPO and KPO outsourcing services, IT support, infrastructural management and back office support services.
To talk about back office service at Call centers India, basically it is the back-end operations of the company, carrying in itself all the manufacturing and developing activities of the company. The crew and the personnels at the back office does not interact directly with the customers. When it comes to manage the work processes which are very time consuming, the purpose of back office support service comes face to face.
In this augmenting corporate world, it has become essential to indulge with back office support services. Despite of less consideration been given to back office services and its operations, they prove to be the best in providing patronage to any business. They are like soul to a body.
The task on which back office services are needed goes as:
• Creating and managing database
• Data harvesting
• Document Conversion
• Account receivables
• Software development
We, at Call Centers India conceive a belief to carry a holistic approach towards customer experience management. The back office services can also be named as the headquarters of the company for being so vital in all its aspects.

Call Center and BPO’s Role for Industries

The call center units are not just answering service units, or lead generation units or telemarketing units. These are places where all of these can be found, along with a host of other features that were not part of a BPO till a couple of years back. Now the BPO service is not just about voice calls, the inbound call center is not just about responding to incoming calls and the outbound desk is not just about making telemarketing calls. The all-round development of the call centers will be necessary for their own growth as well as for the convenience of the business firms that hire them.
Entrepreneurs and business heads are looking for business process outsourcing partners that can take care of all their office functions that they want to outsource. For this reason, it is important that these firms offer the entire range of call center services. Business firms will prefer to use the other BPO service that a firm provides if they find the right kind of work is being done on the project that they initially hired. For example, if a firm hires a call center for the phone answering service and find that the firm is doing an exceptional job, they might think of expanding their partnership. As a result of this, the BPO firm may be getting the task of carrying out lead generation for them. They may also be hired to offer web marketing services. In that case, the creation and promoting of the websites will also be the job of the call centers.
Business firms would enjoy such partnerships. They wouldn’t like to switch business partners too often. This economy is not where a business can afford to take many chances. Once they find the right ingredients in a BPO partner, they are more likely to stick to that. And the question is not all about experimentation. It’s with some stroke of luck that you find a call center that can understand and appreciate the mission and ethics of your business firm. When you achieve that balance of a professional tie-up, you wouldn’t like to venture outside and look for partners that destabilize the business. However, if the call centers don’t provide what you are looking for, you will be tempted to look outside the fold. That’s why the BPO service units should be ready with the entire range of business process outsourcing services.
From the perspective of the call centers, such tie-ups can only mean growth for the firm and for the call center services. Business firms would like to experiment with new BPO processes as well if they find the call center to be competent enough to handle the traditional ones. So if lead generation is the forte for a firm, an entrepreneur happy with their sales lead generation will avail their online services to generate leads. The firms have to build up that trust in the entrepreneurs where they can back their processes. Having glowing recommendations can make you a brand identity in the BPO services india sector.